‘Gerakan Rumpi Sehat’ (the Healthy Gossip Movement) is a multi-channel campaign promoting exclusive breastfeeding and healthy nutrition for pregnant women, new mums, caregivers, and young children in Indonesia.
‘Gerakan Rumpi Sehat’ (the Healthy Gossip Movement) is a multi-channel campaign promoting exclusive breastfeeding and healthy nutrition for pregnant women, new mums, caregivers, and young children in Indonesia.
Launched during World Breastfeeding Week, 1-7 August 2015, the ‘Gerakan Rumpi Sehat’ mass media campaign aims to improve breastfeeding and nutrition among pregnant women, women who have recently given birth, caregivers, and young children in Indonesia. Coordinated by the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN), the campaign features various messages on the importance of exclusive breastfeeding, using homemade complementary foods, maternal nutrition, and healthy snacking for children. Source
‘Gerakan Rumpi Sehat’ follows other similar global campaigns encouraging mothers to exclusively breastfeed their infants for the first six months, as recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) and UNICEF.
As well as placing emphasis on exclusive breastfeeding, the ‘Gerakan Rumpi Sehat’ campaign also heavily promoted the “ATIKA” (Ati-Egg-Fish) slogan, which encourages pregnant women to consume more iron folic acid (IFA) supplements and iron-rich foods, such as liver (“Ati”), eggs (“Telur”) and fish (“Ikan”). Eating such iron-rich foods is encouraged to avoid childhood stunting and anemia, both of which can be caused by iron deficiency. Source
The ‘Gerakan Rumpi Sehat’ campaign employs a large range of marketing methods, including TV, print, community outreach, video marketing, and social media, with the campaign placing particular emphasis on messaging through its official Facebook and YouTube channels.
In order to avoid direct educational messaging, the ‘Gerakan Rumpi Sehat’ campaign uses methodologies based on the Behaviour Centred Design (BCD) behaviour change theory, an approach that blends behavioural science, design thinking, and modern marketing practices to design and implement creative behaviour change interventions. Source
As part of its Behaviour Centred Design approach, the ‘Gerakan Rumpi Sehat’ campaign runs regular Emotional Demonstrations, often referred to as ‘Emo-Demos’, as a way to communicate key messages in socially engaging and creative ways. Taking place in group settings, the Gerakan Rumpi Sehat Emo-Demos allowed community healthcare workers to motivate pregnant women and new mothers to change their breastfeeding and nutritional habits through interactive demonstration sessions. This hands-on approach helped link positive emotions and with desirable behaviours in socially relaxed and fund environments.
The ‘Gerakan Rumpi Sehat’ campaign messaging frequently links to the Emo-Demo website page, which provides an overview, evidence, and instructions on how individuals can perform Emo-Demos within their own community.
Perkenalkan, Tutin, sangat peduli terhadap Cemilan Sehat bagi anak-anak di Desa Jeru. Klik videonya #GAIN #EmoDemo #RumpiSehat #Cegahstunting #stunting #giziburukanak #posyandu #pkk #DinkesJatim #Baduta #Balita #DinkesSidoarjo #DinkesKabMalang
— Gerakan Rumpi Sehat (@rumpisehat) March 13, 2020
(1) Apakah selama ibu hamil memerlukan air minum lebih banyak? Ya, kebutuhan air minum ibu hamil 10 gelas perhari. Posyandu itu menyenangkan dengan adanya Emo-Demo. #emodemo #rumpisehat #emodemo_harapanibu #rumpisehat_harapanibu
— Gerakan Rumpi Sehat (@rumpisehat) July 10, 2019