Let’s close the food gap

Image source: Grow Great


“Let’s close the food gap” is a national advocacy campaign aiming to lower the cost of nutritious foods for low-income households in South Africa.


Launched in June 2023, the “Let’s close the food gap” campaign calls on South African politicians and businesses to close the food gap by reducing the cost of common nutritious foods by at least 30%. Source

The campaign is run by South African philanthropic organisation DG Murray Trust (DGMT) and Grow Great, a national campaign seeking to achieve zero child stunting by 2030. The campaign specifically targets the South African government, food manufacturers, and retailers, requesting that they waive price mark-ups on essential food items, and for the government to offer rebates.

In particular, the campaign calls for price reductions for “10 best buys” food items, which include amasi, eggs, fortified maize meal, dried beans and lentils, peanut butter, rice, tinned fish, soya mince, 4-in-1 soup mix, and powdered full cream milk. Source

Prime Live TV interview with Grow Great Executive Director Dr Edzani Mphaphuli

National billboard campaign

The nationwide advocacy campaign includes more than 300 billboards across South Africa calling for immediate action to make basic nutritious food more affordable.

By including political messaging in the branding, “Let’s close the food gap” billboards also aim to coerce South African political parties into making household food security a central issue prior to the 2024 general elections. Source

“Let’s close the gap” billboard example 1
“Let’s close the gap” billboard example 2
“Let’s close the gap” billboard example 3
“Let’s close the gap” billboard example 4

Cape Talk radio interview

Cape Talk Interview with DG Murray Trust CEO David Harrison

“South Africa has the worst record of household food insecurity compared to middle-income countries of similar per capita GDP. The last national survey, done in 2016, found that 27% of children under the age of five had stunted growth – a proxy for impaired brain development.”

– David Harrison, DG Murray Trust CEO [Source IOL]

Implementation and funding

The “Let’s close the food gap” campaign is funded and implemented by DG Murray Trust (DGMT) and Grow Great.

Collateral examples

“Let’s close the food gap” banner example 1
“Let’s close the food gap” banner example 3
“Let’s close the food gap” – 10 best buys banner example 2
“Let’s close the food gap” banner example 2
“Let’s close the food gap” – 10 best buys banner example 1
“Let’s close the food gap” – 10 best buys banner example 3

Social media post example

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