Health for Kids

Image source: Health for Kids!


Health for Kids! is an interactive website providing health education resources to primary school-aged children (5 to 11 years) and parents in the UK.


Health for Kids! was launched in 2014 alongside its partner website Health for Teens. The health promotion website was created by Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust as part of their Healthy Child Programme (called “Healthy Together”).

Health for Kids! is split into two primary sections, with one section containing interactive visual content for primary school-aged children (, and the other section containing more text-based health advice and information for parents and carers. ( Like Health for Teens, the parent and carer section of Health for Kids also contains regional-specific information.

The Health for Kids! section designed for children comprises of a series of educational videos, interactive games, and short text blurbs, each designed to educate children on the importance of having a healthy body and mind. The website is divided into five sections: health, feelings, illness, getting help, and games. These sections contain interactive content on a range of topics, including alcohol consumption, allergies, bullying, COVID-19 vaccinations, death, dental care, exercise, head lice, obesity, personal hygiene, periods, sun care, and more.

Screenshot of the Kids for Health! homepage, from

In order to make the website engaging for children, the website prominently features several re-occurring cartoon characters (representing kids) undergoing adventures in various fantasy settings (with each of the five website sections containing a different setting.) The characters also feature heavily in the five browser-based video games.

During the design process, primary school-aged children were consulted on a regular basis and had direct input on the website’s overall design and content, including the Health for Kids! logo.

Video on the design process of Kids for Health!

Health for Kids! also includes a number of mobile-friendly accessibility features, such as text-to-speech options, speech recognition software, keyboard navigation, enhanced zoom options, and more.

Content for both the children and parent/carer sections of Health for Kids! was developed by clinical professionals, including school nurses and wellbeing experts. The content is regularly updated by Hertfordshire Community NHS Trust’s School Nursing Team, in partnership with Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust.

Our health specialists have written the content in a way they hope the children will find interesting. The children involved have found it to be a fantastic learning opportunity for them as we’ve watched all our ideas come to life.

Margaret Clarke, Leicester Partnership NHS Trust Lead School Nurse.

Implementation and funding

The Health for Kids! website was designed and funded by Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust, through the organization’s Healthy Child Programme. The website was designed and developed by Diva Creative, a full-service marketing agency based in Sheffield, England.

Video examples

Health for Kids! website walkthrough
Kids music video: The Way to Go
Educational video: Operation Ouch – Fever

Collateral examples

A3 banner example
Web banner example
Parent and carer social media banner post example 2
Social media post example
Parent and carer social media banner post example 1
Parent and carer social media banner post example 3

Social media channels


Resources are avaible on the Health for Kids website:

In the news



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